About US

Welcome to our world of beauty and transformation! We are Anya and Sveta, the proud owners of City Glow, our sanctuary nestled in the heart of vibrant New York City. But our story begins far away, in the cold industrial city of Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Our journey together spans nearly two decades, rooted in a friendship that surpasses even familial bonds. From the halls of the same university to the bustling streets of New York, we've weathered every storm side by side.

Despite coming from similar backgrounds, it was our shared passion for helping people that truly brought us together. What started as a mutual interest blossomed into a thriving partnership, fueled by a desire to empower others and spread confidence through radiant, healthy skin.

With each client we serve, we strive to not only enhance their outward appearance but also uplift their spirits. Whether it's tackling acne woes or rejuvenating aging skin, we're dedicated to helping individuals rediscover their inner and outer glow.

Together, we've turned our shared dream into a reality, harnessing the power of skincare to illuminate lives and transform confidence. Join us on this journey as we continue to bring light and beauty to the world, one radiant smile at a time.

Sveta is a proud mom to a baby girl and happily married to the man of her dreams. When she's not at City Glow, Sveta loves to indulge in her three passions - eating, buying pretty things and psychology.

In her free time Anya is an avid skier, wilderness backpacker, surfer and the nerd. Behind her belt are the most prominent and hard multi-day hikes in the US, Hawaiian volcanoes, Rainier and Grand Tetons, Iceland, South Africa, and even dunes in Namibia. When at home, Anya likes to read books and articles, always researching about things of science and learning more about the latest products, techniques, and trends.

Welcome to our sanctuary of beauty and wellness.


We are located in the heart of the East Village, Manhattan, New York, on 5th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues.

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